Student Projects
Entry Event: Artificial Intelligence Policy
CCPACCPA 9th and 10th-grade students kick off their second project of the year. Challenge: Use the Design Thinking process to investigate the use of AI at CCPA to answer the […]
Entry Event: Conflict in the United States
CCPACCPA 11th and 12th-grade students kick off their second project of the year. Challenge: Research post-Great Depression/World War II conflicts in the United States to answer one of the following Essential […]
Entry Event: Climate Change
CCPACCPA 9th and 10th-grade students kick off their final project for the year. Challenge: Participate in a Climate Summit to explore and answer the following Essential Question: how can we positively affect the […]
Entry Event: Poetry Slam
CCPACCPA 11th and 12th-grade students kick off their final project of the year. Challenge: Create a poetry portfolio exploring the use of poetry that resonates with diverse audiences. Students will do […]