Mission and Vision Statments

Mission Statement: The high school counseling department will promote lifelong learning, support academic and personal development, and provide comprehensive college and career counseling that connects students to resources, experiences, and opportunities. We are committed to helping students develop the skills and knowledge needed for success in the 21st century.

Vision Statement: The high school counseling department’s vision is to serve as mentors to enhance growth and development by preparing students to be leaders, innovators, and positive changemakers in their communities and beyond. We are a counseling department that empowers students to explore their potential, pursue their passions, and navigate their educational and career journey with confidence and purpose.

High School Counselors

Jonas Heppner

Lead High School Counselor


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Kiyoshi Mizutani

High School Counselor


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CCPA logo

Lindsey Romero

High School Counselor


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Grad Requirements

Learn the requirements to receive a high school diploma

Taking College Classes

For students interested in taking college courses in HS

Work Permits

Forms for students who want to work during high school

Financial Aid

Financial aid applications, grants and scholarships

College Readiness

Learn A-G and other useful college information.

Entrance Exams

Find out if you need to take the SAT or ACT here

Career Readiness

Find resources to explore careers and aptitudes.


How to request transcripts for college admissions

Letters of Recommendation


Need a Letter of Recommendation for a college or job application?

Fill out a Brag Sheet so that we can include all your highlights and accomplishments

Please give your recommender at least a 2 week window to complete your letter.

Letter of Recommendation Brag Sheet